Relighting My Pilot or Maintaining Juicy

Feeling ignited and fully alive this year.

December 26, 2015 | 7 Comments


This is a recent piece that I wrote after some healing sessions that helped me feel ignited and fully alive again. So thrilled it will be appearing on Live The Process at the first of the year. May you all stay juicy . . .


A few years ago my pilot light was out. I didn’t really know this was the case I just knew that I felt a little bit tired, a little bit down, a little bit apathetic, feeling like a little bit . . . a little bit of my old self. I would think “well this is what happens at a certain point after surviving some of life’s challenges and hardships.” I was simply missing my zest or passion for my life.

Recently though, I have felt a shift happening and a feeling of being more feminine in my body and more juicy in my being. You know what I mean by juicy right? You probably have seen that quality in certain women as they walk down the street, swaying their hips and seeming to be walking on a sensual breeze. I feel this way when I’ve been visiting the island of Kauai, or after being with a sweet lover for a few days. This quality seems to be more and more rare in our society. It almost feels like people may be repelled by the very notion of feeling sexy and fluid.

I have discovered a few things that can bring us back to the natural state of being juicy. I also feel that our creativity begins to flow easier and we have more access to our intuition when we inspire this feeling. When all our energies are united like heart, sexual, mind and spirit we can feel a ‘flow’ or energy portal being opened inside of us.

Certain Kundalini kryias can help activate and unlock the energy that resides at the bottom of the spine and allow it to move up the spine to the third eye. Kundalini is sometimes described as a serpent energy that lies dormant at the base of our spines waiting to become unlocked. Once it starts moving, it carries with it that energy from the bottom of the spine to our brain. Once this energy is released we can have vivid visions, deep meditations, a stronger intuition, more energy, vivid dreams and more. The Kundalini energy in all of us resides in our subtle body. The subtle body is the place that contains our energetic imprints. This is where emotion or past traumas can become locked. Since being on a path to spiritual healing I have learned to feel my subtle body and how it surrounds my physical self.

Another way I was able to feel more aligned was by working with a healer who balanced and aligned my chakras. The chakras are subtle energy points, literally wheels or vortexes of energy. They act as gateways along our spinal cord and head. I met with a woman named Karin Inana Solo who works her own form of healing in combination with The Brennan Healing Sciences. When I went to see her she confirmed that my ‘pilot light’ was out or very dim. You see it seems, with life’s traumas certain chakras can shutdown or get unaligned. We began to work on my first chakra by addressing my grounding and then went on to my second chakra in the back, around my sacrum. Karin encouraged me to imagine my inner star being lit up in the center of my abdomen, what is called the core star. Perhaps due to my meditation practice I could see the star image very clearly, as it began to shimmer and glow with warmth and strength. During the session we also talked about how as women we sometimes begin to become disconnected from our femininity. The more work I do on becoming more present in my body, the more I feel a boost in my feminine magic.

Working with jade balls to strengthen and tighten the pelvic floor is also a key to getting juicy. Jade balls were first used in Ancient China by concubines, to become expert and sensitive lovers. The jade stones are very powerful and healing, and with consistent use one can keep them held inside the canal to help tighten the pelvic muscles. The womb and yoni is a sacred place that can lead us to great wisdom and power. There are some excellent books (The Jade Egg) and sites now on how to tap into the Jade Egg exercises and practices. Working on this area will increase perception on yoni energy, increase sexuality, harmonize emotions and awaken libido, gain strength in the pelvic floor after childbirth, help with menstrual issues, give pleasure to your partner and more.

Since practicing these paths I have noticed a complete shift in my being. I feel much more connected to the feminine aspect of the universe. I am now conscious of slowing down, enjoying being in the present moment, relishing the feeling of being in my body, feeling gratitude for my incredible womb, awake and more juicy!

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  1. Anita says:

    Shiva I really needed reminding of this, Thankyou xxxx
    Can you recommend any online Kundalini tutorial that I can do at home? Also any cd’s that have mantras that you swear by, I would love to have them playing in the background at home and at work.
    Thankyou for lighting the path and guiding us I love the all the information you search out and provide us it always resonates with me.

  2. Erica says:

    This is helpful, I think we all can expect moving through phases of feeling like our light is dimmed, it’s very natural, especially when we aim big and take risks–it’s good to have tools for a way to relight ourselves. Thank-you. But, my goodness, I could never imagine you not radiating juiciness!—you’ll be one of those women who has and inspires “it” when your in your 80’s and beyond! (:

  3. Christina says:

    Hi Shiva, love your site and the type of content you cover. I am going to be in LA and wondered if you could recommend a wellness retreat in so cal area? I’m not looking to lie by a pool, more like hiking, meditation and classes focusing on spirituality and self-improvement. Esalen looks amazing but was hoping to be closer to LA. Please let me know if something comes to mind.

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