Return of the Goddess
Avalon Calling with Taylor Phinny Russell
I first met Taylor years ago through my tea sister Baelyn. Taylor is one of those light beings who’s compassionate beauty speaks through her eyes. Lately, through some challenging times, I’ve been seeing Taylor and her connection to the goddess come to me at times. She has been initiated into the realm of the goddess and has beautiful retreats that elucidate this. Interestingly enough as she’s been coming to me through these times, I realized it could be because she had also walked through some dark corridors in dealing with health issues. She is now on the other side and an inspiration to many of us. All I know is one day I will be visiting Avalon with her and dance among the moors in eve mist! Aho

1) What makes your soul sing?
Walking the landscape of the ancient Isle of Avalon, and guiding women to do the same. I love being in sacred ceremony space. I live for moments of wild drumming, singing, and raising energy within the container of a ritual.
2) Why do you think it is good for us to connect to Goddess energy?
The Goddess is the Divine Mother, the source of nourishment and sustenance for all life. Goddess energy honors all life and all beings equally. When we acknowledge and tap into the bounty of the natural world and all that She provides for us, we come into greater harmony with, and respect for, the earth. It is vital for us to collectively remember this connection now.
3) Do you feel like the Goddess is returning in a stronger formation right now?
I feel that many of us have incarnated at this time to heal our Priestess wounds and remember our ancient selves. This healing process is a call to awakening and remembering the old ways. As Her memory rises, She is making herself more visible. We see this in the increase of women’s circles, Priestess trainings, herbal healing courses, the collective awareness around the importance of following intuition, and in the women’s empowerment movement. Our ancient selves are calling us home to remember the sacred feminine that lives within all beings. The Goddess teaches us about the balance of sacred masculine and feminine within, our inner masculine bowing to the feminine, and our inner feminine honoring the masculine.
4) I know you have recently gone through quite a healing journey. What is the main realization that came to you through that chapter?
For the last year and a half, I have been healing through stage 3 breast cancer. I have walked through the flames of transformation and existed within the innermost depths of my being. One of the main realizations I had was understanding this journey as an initiation and part of my Priestess training. I have been training for three years with the Glastonbury Goddess Temple in Glastonbury, England, as a Priestess of Avalon. Goddess has awaked fully within me through the healing of wounds brought forward by cancer, which I saw as a teacher. Yes, it was an excruciating and terrifying journey, yet the healing, expansion, reawakening, remembering, spiritual evolution, and growth in consciousness that occurred are gifts I am grateful for and would not trade.
5) Do you have a mantra or daily quote you like to live by?
I am the living spirit within. I am the living embodiment of the Goddess. I am healed, I am whole, I am holy.
6) Are you a mermaid or forest fairy?
I love mermaids, but I am definitely a forest fairy. I feel at home when surrounded by green rolling hills, moss covered woodland, fresh water, and misty weather.
7) Most people in our community don’t know that you are one of the key beings who brought tea ceremony to us. What was your first experience when having tea with our teacher Wu De?
My friend Colin Hudon and I traveled to several countries in Asia at the beginning of 2011, visiting ashrams and temples, sitting in meditation retreats, and seeking to discover more about tea ceremony. Synchronistically, we were given WuDe’s book The Way of Tea while in Thailand and began an email correspondence with him. He invited us for tea at his home in Taiwan and we decided to travel there. We imagined we would sit for a few hours and then be off again on our travels. WuDe picked us up and did not speak the entire drive. When we arrived at his home he simply said, “We’ll meditate now.” We sat for about an hour, during which time I felt him energetically surveying us. When the time came to get up, we walked to the tea room where he greeted us with hugs, expressing that we were beautiful beings he was happy to have in his home. “Let’s drink tea”. That sit turned into one month with WuDe, sometimes spending the entire day at the tea table. I experienced so much healing and integration during that time. After returning home to Venice, Colin and I were excited to share what we had learned with our community and started a tea business called Temple Tea. I bought WuDe a plane ticket to come visit us and everything flowed from there. I am continuously humbled to see the impact tea has had on so many.
8) Tell us about your retreats that are coming this year?
I lead a magnificent pilgrimage to Avalon for women every summer. I have been traveling to Glastonbury several times a year for the last six years and these journeys are a reflection of my extensive experiences there. We take a deep dive into the mysteries of the holy Isle of Avalon, which can only truly be experienced through communion with the landscape. I collaborate with local storytellers, wisdom keepers, scholars, healers, and Priestesses of Avalon to curate a very unique experience. We’ll have private access into Stonehenge (most visitors view the stones from behind a rope about 30 yards away), we’ll visit ancient Neolithic sites Avebury, West Kennett Long Barrow, and Bodmin Stone Circles. We’ll spend a few nights in Tintagel, Cornwall, where we’ll have private access into the enchanted faery woodland and sacred waterfalls at St Nectan’s Glen and meditate inside Merlin’s cave. We’ll spend two days immersed in the Glastonbury Zodiac, a naturally formed Zodiac Wheel within the landscape that covers a 12 mile radius. My friend John Wadsworth, a local astrologer and scholar, will speak to each individual’s astrological chart through this alchemical journey. We’ll stay at the Chalice Well, a sacred healing sanctuary, where we’ll have private access into the gardens and Well head. We’ll also have private access into the White Spring, walk along the ley line energies surging within the earth of Glastonbury Tor, and so much more! These pilgrimages are filled with ceremony, ritual, and connection with the energies of the Goddess in Avalon. We are nourished by organic vegetarian food prepared by our private chef and will share in daily tea ceremony. Please visit Avalon Calling to learn more.
9) How is one simple way someone can connect to Goddess energy?
Go outside and walk barefoot on the earth. Hold your hands to your heart and feel the pulse of life within you, then expand your awareness to feel the pulse of life all around you, in the air, the birds, the trees, any creatures you may see, and in Her body beneath you. Blessed Be!
Tags:avalon, ceremony, goddess, tea
Loved this piece. Thank you!!!