Full Moon in Pisces

A Guided Meditation for the Sturgeon Moon

August 25, 2018 | 2 Comments

Image from The Earth Plan

We are now approaching the Full Moon in Pisces, the lunation will peak this Saturday at 10:30 p.m. PT. The moon will be swimming in enchantment, as the dreamy sign of Pisces is mystical and urges us to go deep into ourselves. Since Pisces is the last water sign, it takes us to the deepest parts of our soul where any unresolved emotions or feelings reside. Take this opportunity to transcend old emotions or feelings of self-doubt that have negatively impacted your mindset. Reflect on your dreams and emotions and surrender yourself to become fully aware. The energy of Pisces reminds us to have faith and let go.

This Full Moon will be more impactful as there will be a harmonious grand earth trine between the sun, Saturn, and Uranus. When the sun and Saturn form a harmonious trine, we can see career goals and ambitions appearing and we can start to see the fruits of our labor. The union of serious, structured Saturn and unique, surprising Uranus can bring an exciting endeavor your way. The union of the Sun and Uranus can bring important information to you; use your intuition and pay attention. The sun represents our authentic selves while Uranus represents a rebellious side of us, together these two planets can make us start to feel more self-assured and possibly step outside of our comfort zone.

Below is a guided meditation for the Full Moon by Paramatma Siri Sadhana. Paramatma is the founder of Surat Shabad Sound School and The Invincible Hall in NYC. Her visionary work has influenced meditative perspectives and ways of teaching. She brings wisdom and a modern way of thinking that truly transforms her students. Her most recent work has been offering daily transmissions illuminating the celestial weather and most optimal Kundalini practices. Enjoy and practice the meditation she offers below that is special for the Full Moon in a Water Sign. Find more about her teachings here.

 Chandra Mudra Kriya Meditation Practice

The Mahan Tantric, Harbhajan SIngh Khalsa Yogiji gave us this very special Full Moon Meditation, which can only be practiced on the “watery days” ~ the Full Moon in a Water Sign ~ Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. “A lot of times there is a full moon and the moon enters a water sign. You remember those days? We call them watery days. Practice this on those days.” ~ Yogi Bhajan



Mudra ~ Inverse Venus Lock (Bound Venus) with thumbs touching. Interlace the fingers with the fingers inside the palms and the pads of the fingers touching; Jupiter to Jupiter, Saturn to Saturn, Sun to Sun, Mercury to Mercury. Thumbs also touch. 

Drishti ~ Eyes not specified. 

Mantra ~ Chant Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar. Chant Ek Ong Kar at the navel, Sat Gur Prasad at the Heart Center. 

Duration ~ 11, 31, 62 minutes.

“We are in the great transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. Sunday’s Full Moon in Pisces is powerfully and potently aspected with a Golden Triangle ~ an Earth Trine with Uranus in Taurus, Sun in Virgo and Saturn in Capricorn. We are being offered true opportunities to ground and anchor our most mystical, loving and visionary wisdom into the earth’s light grids and into all our relations and creations at this time. 

After a rigorous and revelatory summer of retrogrades and eclipses we have been stripped down, purified, and cleansed to our truest essence. Now we can begin the work of the heart, this is our highest personal and collective work. 

Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times. 

The Fourth Sutra of the Aquarian Age as given by Yogi Bhajan. 

True Compassion ~ to feel into the depths with another being and to elevate their status ~ is the qualification, preliminary and prerequisite to advance, expand and progress as human beings through the necessary continuum of cusp challenges ~ the great tuning, the heart purification into the Golden Age of Aquarius. 

With this Chandra Mudra Kriya Practice, we are creating a seal where the planetary forces as well as the ego are bound, contained and directionally infused and empowered with the vibratory frequency of the Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad Sound Teaching. Upon chanting this mantra, you will reside in inner realms of great manifestation; it will be wise and advised to self-regulate your thought and word waves into the positive and sacred streams following this practice.” ~ Paramatma Siri Sadhana 

“The power of this Mantra is each pore of the body becomes an eye. It is also known as a powerful light when each pore of your body becomes the eye of Lord Indra. It opens up the third eye and third eye of the opener of the third eye, is opened all the way. Ek Ong, the navel goes in, Kar the navel goes out. 

Ek Ong Kar is always at navel.” ~ Yogi Bhajan



  1. maria says:

    It is a nice and interesting blog, however there are things I cannot get over.. Like stress in your life. You live in paradise, and in the meanwhile other people have no food, have no hands or legs, or live in wars. Also another thing is why you celebrate the killing of indians. please get informed on thanksgiving. i would have commented there but you closed it.

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