White Bean and Roasted Tomato Soup

April 26, 2012 | 2 Comments

After a day foraging at the farmers market I decided to make a hearty soup that could last a few days. From the farmer’s market I bought some fresh white beans (one cup), tomatoes, leeks, fennel, celery, onion and carrots. From my own garden came the kale and fresh herbs like thyme and oregano.

Since the beans are fresh they don’t need soaking. Just boil them with enough water to cover for an hour until they are soft. If using dry beans soak them overnight and boil the next day until tender. Cannellini beans in the can are fine, though personally I have been avoiding canned beans due to the BPA risks in can foods.

As the beans are cooking, chop the vegetables and saute them in a soup pot.

As the vegetables are sweating in the pot sprinkle olive oil and sea salt on tomatoes and roast them at 400 degrees in the oven until caramelized.

Once the vegetables are slightly golden in color add the beans, two cups of water or chicken broth, I like to use vegetable bouillon cubes to the water for a richer vegetable broth.

As the soup is simmering add  the roasted tomatoes, sea salt, pepper and chopped fresh herbs. At the end you can add the chopped kale. With a chunk of bread and butter and an IPA a hearty peasant dinner is ready . . .



  1. Lisa says:

    I’m going to try this with fava beans. Roasted tomatoes always add so much richness to whatever they’re added to. Thank you for the recipe. : )

  2. Fee Willow says:

    I love your recipe for the soup and your garden must be a treasure to enjoy! I always love your cautionary notes like “BPA risks in can foods” <3 and you should be a still photographer: gorgeous settings!

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