Julia Chaplin and Gypset Travel

On my list of five favorite gifts to receive or give is Julia Chaplin’s latest book on bohemian nomadic bliss Gypset Travel
Fans of the original Gypset Style
book will not be disappointed. Julia has the dream job of traveling to exotic locations like Lamu, Kenya; North Goa India, and obscure islands off the coast of Italy and Spain reserved only for the adventurous romantics. I was never one for posh resorts. What I love most about the Gypset philosophy is that it doesn’t rely on being wealthy. A true Gypset is one who has a creative and imaginative spirit and can find treasures in simple but beautiful places. Lately, when I am needing a temporary reprieve from my life, I like to take my book to the bath and get lost in it’s colorful inspiring pages. Julia has also started a clothing line based on the Gypset style. I am so thrilled to have an interview with the charming and lovely original gypset Julia below!

1) What was the impetus for the Gypset books?
While spending time in jet setty situations and places on assignment for various magazines I began to feel soulless and bored. so I began exploring alternative places and realized there was an emerging movement of creative types that were proposing more conceptual and interesting ways of approaching life, work, and leisure. I decided to call the movement “gypset.”
2) Out of all the exotic places you have been to which is your favorite?
thats a hard question as there are qualities of so many places that I love. Deia, a little village on Mallorca, is one I hold dear to my heart.
3) In a nut shell what characteristics does one need to be considered in the Gypset niche?
spontaneity, adventurousness, patience, and a flexible schedule
4) What is your beauty secret?
I’m fairly minimal about beauty. Anthelios sunblock, Bobbi Brown lipgloss, and Stila tinted moisturizing cream is about all I use. I think being happy makes a person beautiful so I aspire towards that. stress is the worst, so I’m always looking for ways to diffuse it. humor and a good dance party usually work.
5) Where or what or with whom has been your favorite meal?
in Mancora, a small surf town in the north or Peru. the little cafes serve Nobu worthy tropical Japanese cuisine.. sashimi with passion fruit or mango or lavender colored potatoes. its a real treat after a day of surfing.
6) Are you a mermaid or forest fairy?
probably a mermaid. I love the ocean– and tend to get lost in the woods.
7) Where do you see yourself 20 years from now?
I’m really bad with long term plans and goals. my life is only planned 3 months in advance.
8) Is it getting more difficult or easier to live a Gypset life?
every year my gypset percentage fluctuates. last year I think I was 80% Gypset, but the year before when I had my baby I was probably like 20% Gypset.
9) What book is on your nightstand?
Gypset Travel!
10) What’s your favorite Gypset store or wait maybe gypsies make their own clothes?
I love the brand Electric Feathers. I think the designer is sort of a galactic gypsy.
“What I love most about the Gypset philosophy is that it doesn’t rely on being wealthy”
then could you explain why all the gypset clothes are $300 plus for a little more than a yard of fabric? I agree a TRUE gypsy lifestyle doesn’t rely on being wealthy, but many of the modern and romanticized ones are all about wealth and luxury that’s simply made to look minimal