Gypsy Nymph Karina

I have known Karina Deyko for a few years now, and so admire her effortless and unique style. She is one of those roses who has an incredible eye not just with vintage fashion but also with home design and decor. The Venice bungalow that she shares with her love, green warrior David Rothschild, is one of the most charming and cozy I have encountered. They love to surf and travel in the Gypset fashion. They are adventurers seeking authentic experiences from Burning Man to India. Karina sourced and added all the reclaimed wood elements and created a little green oasis for the garden.

1) What inspires you? an inspiration can come from the most unfamiliar of places, but also from the most familiar if only we listen more… family, friends, my love, my animals, nature! People who live curiously without fear of being wrong.
2) You have such an amazing eye for unique clothes and for your home. Do you think being an actress
informs your taste? without sounding cliche, when you dream of the magic that is french cinema or the genius that is Terrance Malick, Tarkovsky, Pasolini you can’t but be left with an indelible mark on your spirt that comes through, consciously or not in ones style.
3) Do you have a favorite vintage haunt?
Long beach flea market is great for furniture. Stock vintage in NYC for turn of the century pieces, Scout in LA for modern vintage.
4) What or where is your favorite meal?
a home cooked meal, farm fresh if possible! add on one big helping of friends a splash of good music and a generous serving of something organic to drink.
5) Are you a forest fairy or mermaid? more like a nymph
6) What is your beauty secret? I would say less is more when it comes to beauty routine. I think taking care of the inner self is the way to feeling beautiful therefore looking beautiful.
7) You and your love David travel to wonderful places. Where is your most favorite that you have been to? Traveling through India by train, the sight smells and shear chaos can be overwhelming but something happens that leaves you feeling energized and curious. To be able to see tigers in the wild has to be one of the most humbling experiences, to think in a few years they maybe all gone makes it even more special when you get to grab a quick glimpse. It makes you recognize how impermanent we all are!
8) You both are very conscious of helping our planet. In what ways do you do that in your daily life?I think its about trying to do more with less! keeping it local, supporting the community around you, that said its hard to live in a world that addicted to plastic and disposability, suggestions welcome!
9) What project are you working on right now?
David and I are working on converting an old 1950’s flexible bus into a motorhome. there is nothing quite like being able to take a little bit of home on the road! bus life beckons!
10) What book is on your nightstand?
Shiva, I loved this interview and the photos are beautiful. I’m writing this from cold, snowy Canada and can actually feel the warmth on my skin. your blog is always so fresh and welcoming and i just luuuurve it. so thanks.
I love your photography. What kind of camera do you use?
Those particular shots were taken by Mel Blanchard using a canon camera.
Those photos were taken with a canon 5D Mark ii with various canon L SERIES LENSES 🙂
love this rose nymph.
the photos were exceptional!!