Cloth Bento Bags
An Eco-Friendly Alternative to Plastic Bags
Ahh summer days . . . visiting friends by the sea shore, BBQ’s at the neighbors houses, gatherings under full moons like the one tonight Aquarian Blue Moon Power! These asocial gatherings are usually about pot lucks and bringing home cooked treats. One of my favorite ways to keep horrid plastic out of my nest is to use these lovely cloth bundles in the same vein as the cloth lids we showed some time ago. Ambatalia has done it again with these adorable Bento bags in striped ticking. They remind me of summers in Tuscany or the South of France carrying berries from one village to the next. A girl can dream can’t she?
For more eco-friendly alternatives for your nest, see The Local Rose.
Now available on the shop in Nordic Blue or French Country Red. Here are various ways to use them:
USE: Ambatalia bento’s are a great household staple for someone that wants to eliminate single use disposables from their lives. Great for buying grains, pastas, nuts and produce or using as a lunch and snack bag . You can also use as a bread bag for the table, cosmetic, travel, or project bag. Best to keep a few in your bag, car and home for easy use.
HOW TO USE: This bag is like a bucket with two points that tie together. Fill contents and tie the points together either once for easy access or twice to secure contents and carry by holding knot.