Bon Bon Lanterns by Ana

I have been coveting these bon bon lanterns by Ana Kras for some time now. Although heralding from Serbia, Ana is a local rose since she sources all the materials for her creations from her home town. She is an artist/photographer who began making the lanterns four years ago as a meditative hobby, but soon it became something desired among her New York friends. Another example of how doing what we love can bring us abundance. I love the playful colors and shapes of these bonbons and most of all how it is all made from recycled thread!

1) What inspired you to start your line?
i make small editions of some pieces sometimes, and i do make lamps, but they are one of a kind.
2) Where do you source the material for the bon bons?
i have been collaborating with a knitwear company from serbia called ivko knits.
they are lovely people who give me some of there thread leftovers.
3) What or where is your favorite meal?
cream spinach my mother makes when i go to belgrade to see her
4) Where is your dream vacation?
driving somewhere and not having a plan
5) What is your beauty secret?
i don’t have one.. i wash my face every morning and evening at least and i put cream. no matter if its a hand cream, foot cream or face cream i just need a lot of cream my skin is dry.
6) Are you a forest fairy or mermaid?
i am the happiest while swimming in the sea so a mermaid
7) Where can we find your beautiful works of art?
every once in a while some bonbon lamps are available per request, but other than that
my objects are not available at the moment, but they will be soon!