Have a little . . . Faith

May 13, 2011 | 0 Comments
This oil is subtle and sublime. It is made of all natural ingredients and takes on your own body chemistry to create a unique scent. It is feminine and sexy at the same time.



The Story

Last week I was having one of those “mean red” kinda days where I felt unfocused, ungrounded, and simply lost. As if to accommodate my already displaced mood the universe decided to add to it.  As morning wore on, we realized our cat Fig jumped out of an open window the night before and was now lost. I automatically went to the worst case scenario, “she was eaten by a coyote, she was hit by a car, she was eviscerated by a 
raccoon and my daughters would discover the remains somewhere in the garden.” Extreme? Yes. Very. But that is the curse of an overactive imagination. As the day wore on and still no sign of Fig, I decided to try something new . . . Faith. I said to myself if Fig reappears, this will be a lesson in trying to place positive energy out in the world rather then going straight to the horror of things. Afternoon came and Charlotte my youngest was camped out on the front porch with her sleeping bag determined to wait for Fig.  Evening came and went and still no sign of Fig. As the panic would come in and try to glaze over me, I would keep it at bay by seeing her in my mind’s eye
cuddling with my little one again. Finally at ten o’clock The Figster came strolling in, wet and a little disoriented but safe. I was so elated I actually did a little gig! Quite embarrassing but I didn’t care. Fig was back and I didn’t have to break my daughters’ hearts. Faith comes in many forms . . . essential oils or a state of mind but it is as necessary 
as good food and clean air.


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