Anastasia leading the Eco-Revolution . . .
The Ringing Cedar series take you on a philosophical journey with profound life lessons. It’s a supposedly true story that follows a Russian riverboat trader’s experiences with Anastasia, who was raised in the forests of Siberia by her grand father and wild animals.
There really is a purity and power in the messages of these books. 11 million copies have sold and it is becoming something of a phenomena. Here is a little information on the author Vladimir Megre and the Ringing Cedar Trees:
In 1994, during a stop on a trading trip along the mighty Ob River, a Siberian elder told Vladimir Megré about the existence of “ringing cedars”—sacred trees which can heal bodily diseases and elevate the human spirit. The elder told him of such a cedar growing in the Siberian backwoods. Intrigued, but committed to his present venture, Vladimir Megré later began to delve into literature on Siberian cedar trees and became one of the first Russian businessmen to rediscover the tremendous folk medicinal, nutritional and commercial value of virgin oil pressed from Siberian cedar nuts. It seemed that knowledge of the secret techniques of pressing the oil had been lost.
In 1995, determined to rediscover this secret and launch a highly lucrative production of cedar nut oil, Vladimir Megré organized a second expedition along the River Ob. On this trip however, an encounter with the elder’s granddaughter, named Anastasia, transformed him so deeply that he abandoned his commercial plans, his trading business and temporarily even his family, and instead went to Moscow to fulfill his promise to Anastasia to write a book about what she had shared with him.
The Story:
Okay I realize I can get a bit “new agey”at times, but the message in these books called the Ringing Cedar Series is really pure and beautiful. Last Spring my friend Shannon Factor said she had to drop off a book for me that she knew I would resonate with. With the book came a wooden amulet that I found myself really drawn to. As soon as I placed the wood necklace on, I felt a sort of vibration and a sense of well being. When I read the book, it stated that one would feel this from wearing the pendant because the wood was carrying the energy from ancient cedar trees, that had been collecting rays from the sun and moon for so many years. Sadly the new pendants coming from Russia are made of a cheap looking plywood so I cannot recommend them, however the books are truly inspiring. There are some interesting tips on gardening and how one’s relation to the seeds can impact the productivity of the garden. After all consciousness relates to seeds too . . . especially to seeds.
I am from Montreal Canada. Where can I find the wooden amulet, the real one.
I love all your posts here, Shiva and feel free to be as new agey as you wish! I always learn a lot from your musings and recommendations. xx