Almond Joy

I used to see a Sikh doctor and everyone in the office had really luminous skin. One of the nurses told me it could be a result of drinking fresh almond milk every morning. That started me on the almond milk jag, but it wasn’t until I tasted fresh made milk that I really became a devotee. I make mine with a touch of vanilla and it truly is divine. My friend Judith (actor and craft maven extraordinaire) turned me on to the amazing Nut Milk Bag which makes the process so much easier. I used to strain the milk with regular cheese cloth but it still wasn’t totally smooth. Especially for the persnickety kids. The Nut Milk Bag has made my quest for creamy, smooth milk attainable. It can be purchased at the coop store in Santa Monica or visit Elaina Love’s site Pure Joy Planet to get the bags in bulk.
Here is Judith Scott’s ode to almond milk:
A few months ago, a dear friend suggested I begin making
My own seed milk. Tek paks are expensive,wasteful,
And the taste of store bought seed and nut milks inferior to your own,she said.
I said, making seed milk was not high on my to do
list. I had a choice: continue to work on
My social skills or make seed milk.I make seed milk nearly every week. Sesame,almond,
Hazelnut. Its easy to learn how to make seed and nut milk
On just about any low on the food chain website.
Butwhy you would want to make it, is a no brainer:
For the cost of an 8 dollar seed bag,a basket of kawadry
Dates(brown sugar dates) a jaunt through
The bulk aisle of your favourite health food store, you can make yourself
a 4 pint, wide mouth mason jar of fresh milk that will last a week
without kids and several days with. AND save yourself the worry of
where those tek paks go when emptied.
Its worth it.
time,money and peace of mind.
sesame milk is an excellent curative for depletion or exhaustion.
Also highly lubricating for the intestinal wall. Almond milk and hazelnut
Are low caloried,easily digested and for anyone with a need for something
Sweet at any hour of the day or night,at low risk for that dreadful sugar hangover.
Seed and nut milks are easy. They are lovingly delicious.
When I offer a cold glass to friends, it puts a quality of smile
on their faces that gives me goose bumps!
My own seed milk. Tek paks are expensive,wasteful,
And the taste of store bought seed and nut milks inferior to your own,she said.
I said, making seed milk was not high on my to do
list. I had a choice: continue to work on
My social skills or make seed milk.I make seed milk nearly every week. Sesame,almond,
Hazelnut. Its easy to learn how to make seed and nut milk
On just about any low on the food chain website.
Butwhy you would want to make it, is a no brainer:
For the cost of an 8 dollar seed bag,a basket of kawadry
Dates(brown sugar dates) a jaunt through
The bulk aisle of your favourite health food store, you can make yourself
a 4 pint, wide mouth mason jar of fresh milk that will last a week
without kids and several days with. AND save yourself the worry of
where those tek paks go when emptied.
Its worth it.
time,money and peace of mind.
sesame milk is an excellent curative for depletion or exhaustion.
Also highly lubricating for the intestinal wall. Almond milk and hazelnut
Are low caloried,easily digested and for anyone with a need for something
Sweet at any hour of the day or night,at low risk for that dreadful sugar hangover.
Seed and nut milks are easy. They are lovingly delicious.
When I offer a cold glass to friends, it puts a quality of smile
on their faces that gives me goose bumps!
Here is an easy recipe for making the milk.
Vanilla Almond Milk (yields 2-3 cups or so)
1 cup almonds, soaked 8-12 hours beforehand if it’s possible
3 cups water
6 dates or 1/4 cup agave (optional)
1 tsp pure vanilla extract (or the contents of a vanilla bean)

Begin by soaking your nuts in some water, if you can. Eight hours is ideal. Peel the skins off which will be easy once they have soaked.
Next, blend all ingredients on high in a regular blender or a VitaMix:
place the the nut milk bag or cheesecloth over the mouth of your container, leaving a generous overhang and allowing the strainer to droop about halfway down into the container. I used a large mason jar as my container: Next, pour all the almond milk into the container, so that it drips through the cheesecloth and into the container below. massage it with your hands so the milk is drained through the cloth.
For variety you can add a little chocolate or cinnamon. You can also adjust the creamy quality by how much water you add.
This sounds so Yummy (and nutritional)cannot wait to try this recipe! Thank you
Why do you remove the skins from the almonds? Thx
Almond milk also nourishes and moisturizes skin incredibly when used topically. For face and body both!