Rescue Me!!

Flower Remedies can be very powerful and healing when going through transitions or just to help cope with a crisis. I personally am addicted to the Rescue Remedy Pastilles by Bach, and keep them in my purse and by my bed.
Alexis Smart takes the flower remedies to another level of consciousness and power.
On her web site Alexis explains: Flower remedies, also called flower essences, are herbal infusions, made from the flowering part of wild plants, bushes or trees, which address emotional and mental aspects of wellness. This method of treatment was discovered in the 1930’s by Dr. Edward Bach, a renowned British physician and bacteriologist. Not to be confused with aromatherapy or essential oils, flower remedies are scentless and are taken internally in the form of liquid drops under the tongue.

Alexis has created incredible combinations of remedies to cover all sorts of issues. I personally tried Relationshift which helps with fear of abandonment and co dependency.
Next I’m moving on to Ganesh which helps with:
Named for the Hindu deity who brings good fortune and removes obstacles, Ganesh is the success formula. Larch gives confidence to those who hold back from life out of fear of failure while Clematis inspires creativity and enhances mental clarity. Scleranthus encourages forward movement for those who are stuck or indecisive and Gentian helps you maintain a positive outlook, even during the low times. Removes negative programming from the past, freeing you up to manifest the life you envision.
With remedies like these we can help manifest our potential.
Alexis can also custom make remedies. There are some great ones for children. I’m using Dream Boat right now for my youngest to help her sleep through the night.