Keepers of the Earth ~ Part 1

May 11, 2013 | 2 Comments

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The last six weeks a few friends and I have been taking part in the most informative and magical class about discovering native plants. Our fearless leader is a true sage named Stacey Small. We gather once a week in the mountains around Topanga canyon and learn about remedies and essences from the exquisite native plants and wild flowers. We start the class gathered in a circle and sing a Chumash Tribe song. We then discuss the merits and traits of certain plants like mugwort, elder, willow and black sage to name a few. The first class Stacey took us to a cave where we discussed our ancestors and made some earth figures from clay. Being in the class reminds me of how vital connection is to other sisters and to our mama earth. Not only do I feel fulfilled from all the grace that surrounds us, but I also am learning the names and significance of the plants that I live and hike among. We each had to pick a special plant that we resonated deeply with. I picked the Mariposa Lily. I chose it because of it’s beauty and simplicity but as I read about it’s medicinal qualities I am astounded at how it is perfect for what I need in my life right now. I truly feel a kinship with this plant ally. May we all find our allies!!

Elder tree

Elder tree

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Foraging for Elder branches

Foraging for Elder branches

Stacey Small

Stacey Small

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  1. Beautiful photos! I have never seen the Black Californian sage.

  2. Tracy lough says:

    Stacey small continues to inspire my family with her knowledge About how the plants in our own backyard can be so powerful! She has so much to share and teach us about connecting with nature.

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