Wise Woman Healer: Susan Weed

June 5, 2011 | 0 Comments


If you read my newsletter you know that I am now without health insurance so I must truly invest in preventative medicine. I have been mostly holistic in my health care and when it comes to herbs, Susan Weed has been my go- to- herbal- mother since I was first pregnant with my older daughter over fifteen years ago. I discovered her book when I was investigating natural ways to birth, and what to take to make the experience less traumatic. I was then in my early twenties, and the resources for natural childbearing weren’t as abundant as they are these days. Susan’s book was a treasure trove full of tinctures, infusions and balms all made of common plants (weeds) that are accessible to ordinary people. Chinese medicine which is all the rage now is wonderful but can be so pricey. Susan Weed’s whole ideology is that the oldest healing traditions on the earth should be accessible to all people. Her first book Childbearing Years is a bible for everything from fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and babies needs. Her second book Healing Wise is a more detailed account on the herbs she uses the most and the second phase of life for women. 
How ironic her name is Weed? 


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