Almond Milk Delivery Service L.A.

August 1, 2013 | 4 Comments

almond milk, almond milk delivery, organic almond milk

I am addicted to fresh made almond milk, however I don’t always have the time to make my own, and I can’t stand the packaged ones from the grocery store. You can always taste the preservatives. There is a new almond milk delivery situation happening that is making my morning smoothie routine a lot smoother! Almond Milk LA  is an all organic, non-GMO, raw, delicious almond milk.  The honey flavored is made with raw sage honey, and both the pure and honey contain Himalayan sea salt. The almonds are all soaked for at least eight hours to twelve hours to release the enzymes, and there are no preservatives at all! In case you didn’t know almond milk is high in protein, minerals and vitamins like B12, zinc and magnesium. There is also a cacao milk that is better than any chocolate milk out there! My daughter can attest to that!

almond milk la, almond milk delivery


almond milk la


See more organic and all-natural products and recipes from The Local Rose.



  1. jeanne says:

    Dear Shiva,
    your story about your trip to Italy made me cry…I guess for many reasons : ) … your kind, gentle soul makes a bigger difference than you Know… I have included this story from the NY times. I thought you might like it…

    • Shiva Rose says:

      Thank you so much Jeanne, your message made my day. That speech you suggested is so inspiring I’m sending it to everyone I know! xx

  2. cristina says:

    oh goodness this is heavenly! i agree about the boxed milks, they dont even taste that good and most have carageenan which i try vehemently to avoid.. Must get this milk asap, along with moon juice 😀

  3. Oh! How very sad! I live in Ventura county…. bummer! I guess I’ll just have to head west to get my hands on this treasure!

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